NCFE Graphics
Tutor: Ashley Leach
Photography National Diploma Level 3 Year 2
Tutor: Ashley Leach
Photography National Diploma Level 3 Year 2
To Do List
Create1pagespreadon5ofthefollowingtopics. Thesemustincludea written description of the technique or method, 3 found photographic examples of the technique or method used, 2 - 3 of your own photographs exploring the technique or method used and a written evaluation of the positives and negatives to the technique or method.
Photo interventions Light levels / colour correction Applying lens and other filters
Creation of illustration drawings
Text editing and formatting Structuring Business cards Narration with text and image import
Create1pagespreadon5ofthefollowingtopics. Thesemustincludea written description of the technique or method, 3 found photographic examples of the technique or method used, 2 - 3 of your own photographs exploring the technique or method used and a written evaluation of the positives and negatives to the technique or method.
Photo interventions Light levels / colour correction Applying lens and other filters
Creation of illustration drawings
Text editing and formatting Structuring Business cards Narration with text and image import
The Brief
Explore one of the following concepts within your graphic work. Use a number of the techniques and methods you have learnt within the past unittoprogressyourunderstandingoftheconcept. Youneedtoexplore visual representations of your thoughts and feelings by creating mind maps, mood boards and research relevant artists. The three concepts are:
Structure Juxtapose Narrative
Explore one of the following concepts within your graphic work. Use a number of the techniques and methods you have learnt within the past unittoprogressyourunderstandingoftheconcept. Youneedtoexplore visual representations of your thoughts and feelings by creating mind maps, mood boards and research relevant artists. The three concepts are:
Structure Juxtapose Narrative
You need to produce the following on your blog:
• 1 in depth mind map on each of the 3 concept.
• 1 mood board on the selected concept.
• A written description of your proposed outline for investigation
• 3 researched relevant artists and contextual references that supports and correlates your themes and ideas.
You need to produce the following on your blog:
• 1 in depth mind map on each of the 3 concept.
• 1 mood board on the selected concept.
• A written description of your proposed outline for investigation
• 3 researched relevant artists and contextual references that supports and correlates your themes and ideas.
Idea Progression
• A developmental and progressive exploration of your chosen concept within the program of your choice.
•Documentation and screen shots of your progression of the piece of graphic work.
•Awrittenmidpointevaluationoutliningtheprocesssofar. Thisalso needs to highlight possible routes forward into your next and final graphical work.
• A final refined exploration of your graphical work within the programme ofyourchoice. Thisalsoneedstobedocumentedwithscreenshotsand annotation.
• A developmental and progressive exploration of your chosen concept within the program of your choice.
•Documentation and screen shots of your progression of the piece of graphic work.
•Awrittenmidpointevaluationoutliningtheprocesssofar. Thisalso needs to highlight possible routes forward into your next and final graphical work.
• A final refined exploration of your graphical work within the programme ofyourchoice. Thisalsoneedstobedocumentedwithscreenshotsand annotation.
Final Selection
• Afinalselectionofyourimage/sthatexplorecomprehensivelyand explicitly your chosen concept.
• Thepresentationofworkisuptoyou. Exploredifferentmethodsand choose one that really highlights your graphical work and your skills.
Evaluation UNIT 3 (EVALUATION)
• Youneedtoproduceawrittenevaluationspanningfromthebeginning stage (methods and techniques) to the final presentation of your selected graphicwork. Consider;yourjourneythroughoutthisunit,themethods and techniques learnt, your idea progression, your final graphic work and finalselectionandpresentationofyourgraphicwork. Alsoinclude,likes, dislikes, future practice and how this has fed back into your photography course.
• Afinalselectionofyourimage/sthatexplorecomprehensivelyand explicitly your chosen concept.
• Thepresentationofworkisuptoyou. Exploredifferentmethodsand choose one that really highlights your graphical work and your skills.
Evaluation UNIT 3 (EVALUATION)
• Youneedtoproduceawrittenevaluationspanningfromthebeginning stage (methods and techniques) to the final presentation of your selected graphicwork. Consider;yourjourneythroughoutthisunit,themethods and techniques learnt, your idea progression, your final graphic work and finalselectionandpresentationofyourgraphicwork. Alsoinclude,likes, dislikes, future practice and how this has fed back into your photography course.
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